class colors:
'''Colors class:
reset all colors with colors.reset
two subclasses fg for foreground and bg for background.
use as colors.subclass.colorname.
i.e. or
also, the generic bold, disable, underline, reverse, strikethrough,
and invisible work with the main class
i.e. colors.bold
reset=' 33[0m'
bold=' 33[01m'
disable=' 33[02m'
underline=' 33[04m'
reverse=' 33[07m'
strikethrough=' 33[09m'
invisible=' 33[08m'
class fg:
black=' 33[30m'
red=' 33[31m'
green=' 33[32m'
orange=' 33[33m'
blue=' 33[34m'
purple=' 33[35m'
cyan=' 33[36m'
lightgrey=' 33[37m'
darkgrey=' 33[90m'
lightred=' 33[91m'
lightgreen=' 33[92m'
yellow=' 33[93m'
lightblue=' 33[94m'
pink=' 33[95m'
lightcyan=' 33[96m'
class bg:
black=' 33[40m'
red=' 33[41m'
green=' 33[42m'
orange=' 33[43m'
blue=' 33[44m'
purple=' 33[45m'
cyan=' 33[46m'
lightgrey=' 33[47m'