<p>This is ignore by the php parser and displayed by the browser </p>
<?php echo "While this is going to be parsed"; ?>
when php interpreter hits the closing tag it start to outputing everything whatever it finds until it hit another opening tag.If php interpreter find a conditional statement in the middle of a block then php interpreter decided which block skip
Advanced escaping using conditions
<?php $a = 10; if($a<100): ?>
This conditional block is executed
<?php else: ?>
otherwise this will be executed
<?php endif; ?>
In php 5 version,there are 5 opening and closing tags.
1.<?php echo "standard long form php tag and if you use xml with php this tag will be use";?>
2.<?= "short echo tag and alwayes available from 5.4.0";?>
3.<? echo "short open tag which is available if short_open_tag is enable in php ini configuration file directive or php was configured with --enable-short-tags.This tag has discoursed from php 7.If you want to use xml with php,then short_open_tag in php ini will be disabled";?>
4.<script language="php">
echo "Some editor do not like processing the code within this tag and this tag is removed from php 7.0.0 version";
5.<% echo "asp style tag and asp_tags should be enabled but now php 7.0.0 version,this tag is removed";%>