Key Differences Between while and do-while Loop
1.The while loop checks the condition at the starting of the loop and if the condition is satisfied statement inside the loop, is executed. As against, in the do-while loop, the condition is checked after the execution of all statements in the body of the loop.
2. If the condition in a while loop is false, not a single statement inside the loop is executed. In contrast, if the condition in ‘do-while’ loop is false, then also the body of the loop is executed at least once then the condition is tested.
3. The while loop is also known as the entry-controlled and pre-checking loop because in this loop, the body of the loop is executed prior to checking the condition. Conversely, the alternate name for the do-while loop is the exit-controlled and post-checking loop, the reason behind this is that the checking of the loop condition is followed by the execution of the body of the loop.
4. The syntax of a do-while loop includes a semi-colon to terminate the loop. On the contrary, there is no use of the semi-colon in the while loop syntax.