Javascript Solution - With Better Performance
Methods used in this algorithm are:
1. Two Pointer Technique
2. Sliding Window Technique
3. Hash Map
Time complexity: O(N)
Space complexity: O(N),
If the string does not contain repeated characters,
then the hash map will contain N characters.
const s = "sdtvtsgh"
const lengthOfLongestSubstring = function(s) {
let max_length = 0
let map = {}
let l = 0
for (let r = 0; r < s.length; r++) {
if (map.hasOwnProperty(s[r])) {
const collision_index = map[s[r]]
if (collision_index >= l) {
l = collision_index + 1
delete map[s[collision_index]]
if (!map.hasOwnProperty(s[r])) {
map[s[r]] = r
if (max_length < (r + 1) - l) {
max_length = (r + 1) - l
console.log(map, ': (', r + 1, '-', l, ')')
return max_length
// [Log]:
{ s: 0 } : ( 1 - 0 )
{ s: 0, d: 1 } : ( 2 - 0 )
{ s: 0, d: 1, t: 2 } : ( 3 - 0 )
{ s: 0, d: 1, t: 2, v: 3 } : ( 4 - 0 )
{ s: 0, d: 1, v: 3, t: 4 } : ( 5 - 3 )
{ d: 1, v: 3, t: 4, s: 5 } : ( 6 - 3 )
{ d: 1, v: 3, t: 4, s: 5, g: 6 } : ( 7 - 3 )
{ d: 1, v: 3, t: 4, s: 5, g: 6, h: 7 } : ( 8 - 3 )
max_length = 5