You can add a subject/body to a mailto: link by using ?subject= or ?body=
If you need to use both, then ensure the second param is postfixed with
"&" instead of "?"
Here are a few examples:
<!-- Add a subject -->
<a id="linktoemail" href="mailto:test@test.com?subject=This%20is%20a%20subject">Click here to trigger email</a>
<!-- Add a body -->
<a id="linktoemail" href="mailto:test@test.com?body=This%20is%20the%20body%20text">Click here to trigger email</a>
<!-- Add a subject and a body -->
<a id="linktoemail" href="mailto:test@test.com?subject=This%20is%20a%20subject&body=This%20is%20the%20body%20text">Click here to trigger email</a>