

how to create a label in tkinter

# Hello there. Here is how you can create a label in tkinter.

# Import tkinter
from tkinter import * # * just means all

window = Tk() # Creates a window which the label can be placed on
win_label = Label(window, text = "Type Text Here") # Creates a label and tells where it should be placed i.e. the window    
win_label.pack() # We pack our label separately here so that it can be seen on the window as we were just creating the label before    
window.mainloop() # Runs the program and keeps the window on the screen and tells it stay on the screen until closed

# This was how you create a label. Simple and easy as you can see! Please upvote
# if you found this helpful!

# By Codexel

how to create a label in tkinter python

from tkinter import *  # Importing the tkinter module
root = Tk()  # Creating a window
label = Label(root, text="Your Text")  # Creating a label
label.pack()  # Putting the label on the window
label.mainloop()  # Opening the window

Python Tkinter Label Widget

from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
a = Label(root, text=' tutorial website')

make a label using tkinter in python

import tkinter as tk
window = tk.Tk()

firstLabel=tk.Label(window) #creates label and tells program where to load it
firstLabel.config(text="Label Statement: ") #alter the label to include text

firstLabel.pack() #loads the label to make it visible

Python Tkinter Label Widget Syntax

w=Label(master, option=value)

Code Example
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Source link
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