

simple button css codepen

$yellow: #fff000
$blue: #007bff
$white: #fff
$black: #000

  margin: 0

  position: relative
  background: $black
  height: 100vh
  display: flex
  align-items: center

    display: inline-block
    position: relative
    padding:  15px 20px
    background: $yellow
    color: #000
    font-size: 18px
    text-align: center
    text-decoration: none
    font-weight: 700
    margin: 0 auto 20px
    border-radius: 25px
    transition: all 0.25s ease-in
    z-index: 1
      content: ''
      position: absolute
      top: 0
      left: 0
      right: 0
      bottom: 0px
      background: $yellow
      z-index: -1
      border-radius: 25px
      transition: all 0.25s ease-in
      color: #fff
      background: $blue 
      text-decoration: none 
        bottom: -5px
        background: $blue
        opacity: 0.75
      color: #fff
      text-decoration: none
      background: $blue
      transform: translateY(5px)
        bottom: 0px

  <a class="btn-link">hover and click here</a>

Code Example
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Css :: Curve Text Around a Floated Image 
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Css :: scss add class to body 
Css :: fill div on hover 
Css :: skip main content - keyboard accessible buttons on navbar - css 
Css :: var units = "years"; var davidAge = 65; var johnAge = 40; var ageDifference = davidAge - johnAge; alert("The age difference is " + ageDifference + " " + units); 
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Css :: inexorably 
Css :: order 
Css :: css validation 
Css :: css div background image loading 
Css :: Drupal 8 Notice: Trying to get property 
Css :: tailwind no wrap 
Css :: css selector match class 
Css :: use clamp in scss 
Css :: access is denied nul server.js 
Css :: CSS menu list with underline hover animation 
Css :: easyui datagrid header multiline 
Css :: what is text-justify in css 
Css :: webkit scrollbar padding 
Typescript :: how to remove list dots in li bootstrap 
Typescript :: Cannot preload , value of is undefined  
Typescript :: json-server : File C:UsersROUSHAN SHARMAAppDataRoaming pmjson-server.ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system. For more information, see 
Typescript :: how to make an element be above all the other elements html 
Source link
8+4 =