

gitlab ci heroku

If you are not prepared to use Ruby/dpl you can deploy to Heroku as follows:

Look up your Heroku API key (Account settings -> API Key on the Heroku web console) and make it available as a Gitlab secret variable e.g. HEROKU_API_KEY (Please note the values is not the same as what heroku auth:token returns...)

Then add two script lines in your .gitlab-ci.yml config file at the relevant job:

git remote add heroku https://heroku:$<name of your heroku app>.git

git push -f heroku HEAD:master
You can see detailed explanation at

Code Example
C :: binary sorting 
C :: read from command line c 
C :: how to read from a file in c 
C :: scan c 
C :: c command line arguments parser 
C :: armstrong in c 
C :: c check if character is lower case 
C :: static variable c 
C :: pointer c 
C :: Regex to match any character being repeated more than 10 times 
C :: use frama c online 
C :: printing words lemgthwise in c 
C :: git add -u flag 
C :: entity framework core discard changes 
C :: find all hyperlinks <a in p tag 
C :: How to include multiline conditional inside template literal 
C :: reverse a number in c 
C :: %s and string pointer 
C :: Greatest common divisor iterative 
C :: buble sort in c that ask user input 
C :: c programming print pattern pyramid 
C :: Algorithm that flips sentences and numbers 
C :: networkx remove attributes 
C :: sue murry 
C :: c Modulo 10^9+7 (1000000007) 
C :: FivemStore 
C :: passing an array of unspecified number of variables to a function 
C :: nosql injection 
C :: how to find the elements in array c coding 
Dart :: debug banner flutter 
Source link
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