%c --- char
%hh --- signed char (synomous with char)
%hhu --- unsigned char
%h --- short
%hu --- unsigned short
%d --- int
%u --- unsigned int
%lu --- unsigned long (including size_t, which is returned by sizeof())
char ch = 'a';
printf("%d", ch);
Code Example |
C :: how to genrate a random number in C |
C :: how to add two numbers in c programming |
C :: multiplication of two matrix in c |
C :: how to read space separated words in c |
C :: Call by reference to pass an array to the function in C- |
C :: clrscr in c |
C :: exclamation mark in c |
C :: string compare c |
C :: nested switch case in c |
C :: copy string c |
C :: puts without newline c |
C :: mutex c |
C :: Graphics in C Draw A Line |
C :: how to represent unsigned char with % c |
C :: Access denied creating xampp-control.ini |
C :: append to list in c |
C :: c substring |
C :: convert int to char in c |
C :: c/c++ windows api download file |
C :: bootstrap 4 forms |
C :: print hello world in c |
C :: do...while loop c |
C :: mongo script to find collection size in database |
C :: hourglass sum |
C :: pyinstaller hidden import tensorflow not found |
C :: bcopy |
C :: time include c |
C :: oracle trunc |
C :: what is console in sublime text |
C :: c for result |