int x=0;
case 1: printf( "One" );
case 0: printf( "Zero" );
case 2: printf( "Hello World" );
Code Example |
C :: Here is a program in C that illustrates the use of fscanf() to read a text file: |
C :: deepak |
C :: #pragma pack(1) in c |
C :: asasz |
C :: c program to take array input from user |
C :: injection |
C :: __isoc99_sscanf |
C :: gnunet |
C :: switch every right 4 bit with the left 4 bits |
C :: Trier lexicographiquement en c |
C :: get flag status c code |
C :: How to set bit in float number in C |
C :: under |
C :: panagram in c |
C :: anticonstitutionnellement |
C :: putting character in the begginig and end of sring C |
C :: function declaration in c |
C :: snprintf with malloc |
C :: pointers c |
C :: helloworld c |
C :: arrays c |
Dart :: screen size flutter |
Dart :: flutter disbal PageView swipe |
Dart :: flutter switch color |
Dart :: Container border left |
Dart :: flutter list splice |
Dart :: flutter analyze apk size |
Dart :: fix overflow flutter |
Dart :: leading image flutter |
Dart :: replace string in dart,replace string in dart using regex |