#include <vector>
std::string array_to_string(const std::vector<std::string>& string_array)
std::string ret_string;
for (const std::string& s : string_array) ret_string.append(s);
return ret_string;
Code Example |
Cpp :: c++ vs g++ |
Cpp :: cpp func as const |
Cpp :: sleep in c++ |
Cpp :: sort vector of strings |
Cpp :: erase element from vector c++ |
Cpp :: a square plus b square plus c square |
Cpp :: c++ contains |
Cpp :: c #define |
Cpp :: c++ reverse string |
Cpp :: Converting to string c++ |
Cpp :: Disabling console exit button c++ |
Cpp :: convert kelvin to Fahrenheit |
Cpp :: c++ string slicing |
Cpp :: find in unordered_map c++ |
Cpp :: c++ Least prime factor of numbers till n |
Cpp :: vector iterating in c++ |
Cpp :: swap in cpp |
Cpp :: Nested if...else |
Cpp :: how to make a function in c++ |
Cpp :: abstraction in cpp |
Cpp :: cknuth hash |
Cpp :: long long int range c++ |
Cpp :: glm has no member value_ptr |
Cpp :: create a vector of size n in c++ |
Cpp :: intlen in c++ |
Cpp :: find maximum sum in array of contiguous subarrays |
Cpp :: C++ detaching threads |
Cpp :: unordered_map c++ |
Cpp :: first and last digit of a number in c++ |