#Heap Sort in python
def heapify(arr, n, i):#Find largest among root and children
largest = i
l =2* i +1
r =2* i +2if l < n and arr[i]< arr[l]:
largest = l
if r < n and arr[largest]< arr[r]:
largest = r
#If root is not largest, swap with largest andcontinue heapifyingif largest != i:
arr[i], arr[largest]= arr[largest], arr[i]heapify(arr, n, largest)
def heapSort(arr):
n =len(arr)#Build max heapfor i in range(n//2, -1, -1):heapify(arr, n, i)for i in range(n-1,0,-1):#Swap
arr[i], arr[0]= arr[0], arr[i]#Heapify root elementheapify(arr, i,0)
arr =[1,12,9,5,6,10]heapSort(arr)
n =len(arr)print("Sorted array is")for i in range(n):print("%d "% arr[i], end='')
package sort
type MaxHeap struct{
slice []Comparable
heapSize int
indices map[int]int}
func buildMaxHeap(slice0 []int) MaxHeap {
var slice []Comparable
for _, i := range slice0 {
slice =append(slice,Int(i))}
h := MaxHeap{}
h.Init(slice)return h
}func(h *MaxHeap)Init(slice []Comparable){if slice == nil {
slice =make([]Comparable,0)}
h.slice = slice
h.heapSize =len(slice)
h.indices =make(map[int]int)
h.Heapify()}func(h MaxHeap)Heapify(){for i, v := range h.slice {
h.indices[v.Idx()]= i
}for i := h.heapSize /2; i >=0; i--{
h.heapifyDown(i)}}func(h *MaxHeap)Pop() Comparable {if h.heapSize ==0{return nil
i := h.slice[0]
h.slice[0]= h.slice[h.heapSize]
h.slice = h.slice[0:h.heapSize]return i
}func(h *MaxHeap)Push(i Comparable){
h.slice =append(h.slice, i)
h.heapSize++}func(h MaxHeap)Size()int{return h.heapSize
}func(h MaxHeap)Update(i Comparable){
h.slice[h.indices[i.Idx()]]= i
h.heapifyDown(h.indices[i.Idx()])}func(h MaxHeap)updateidx(i int){
h.indices[h.slice[i].Idx()]= i
}func(h MaxHeap)heapifyUp(i int){if i ==0{return}
p := i /2if h.slice[i].More(h.slice[p]){
h.slice[i], h.slice[p]= h.slice[p], h.slice[i]
h.heapifyUp(p)}}func(h MaxHeap)heapifyDown(i int){
l, r :=2*i+1,2*i+2
max := i
if l < h.heapSize && h.slice[l].More(h.slice[max]){
max = l
}if r < h.heapSize && h.slice[r].More(h.slice[max]){
max = r
}if max != i {
h.slice[i], h.slice[max]= h.slice[max], h.slice[i]
type Comparable interface {Idx()intMore(interface{})bool}
type Int intfunc(a Int)More(b interface{})bool{return a > b.(Int)}func(a Int)Idx()int{returnint(a)}
func HeapSort(slice []int)[]int{
h :=buildMaxHeap(slice)for i :=len(h.slice)-1; i >=1; i--{
h.slice[0], h.slice[i]= h.slice[i], h.slice[0]
res :=[]int{}for _, i := range h.slice {
res =append(res,int(i.(Int)))}return res
function heap_root(input, i){/* to create MAX array */
var left =2* i +1;
var right =2* i +2;
var max = i;// if left child is larger than rootif(left < array_length && input[left]> input[max]){
max = left;}// if right child is larger than maxif(right < array_length && input[right]> input[max]){
max = right;}// if max is not rootif(max != i){swap(input, i, max);heap_root(input, max);}}
function swap(input, index_A, index_B){
var temp = input[index_A];
input[index_A]= input[index_B];
input[index_B]= temp;}
function heapSort(input){
array_length = input.length;// Building the heap for(var i = Math.floor(array_length /2); i >=0; i -=1){heap_root(input, i);}// One by one extract and put in placefor(i = input.length -1; i >0; i--){swap(input,0, i);