static_cast<the type you want> (variable)
Code Example |
Cpp :: are arrays faster than vectors c++ |
Cpp :: assignment operators |
Cpp :: C++ Assignment Operators |
Cpp :: c vs c++ vs c# |
Cpp :: uses of c++ |
Cpp :: declaring multiple variables in cpp |
Cpp :: how to define range of numbers inside a if condition in c++ |
Cpp :: how to get part from the vector cpp |
Cpp :: c++ short hand if else |
Cpp :: c++ switch case statement |
C :: generate n-bit gray code in c |
C :: c distance between 2 points |
C :: c remove last character from a string |
C :: c get file size |
C :: grepper vscode |
C :: tainted love |
C :: how to open jupyter notebook in local disk D |
C :: populate a map c++ |
C :: libdvd-pkg: `apt-get check` failed |
C :: exclamation mark in c |
C :: check if the c code is a palindrome |
C :: get range of values in mongodb |
C :: what is system function in c |
C :: add a item to cart woocomerce with quantity |
C :: prime number c program |
C :: star pattern in c |
C :: selection sort algorithm in c |
C :: bubble sort in c |
C :: casting in c |