

in c++

'' : 
is the NULL character, you can find it in your ASCII table ,
it has the value 0. It is used to determinate the end of C-style strings. 
However, C++ class std::string stores its size as an integer, and thus
does not rely on it.

in c++

C++ std::strings are "counted" strings - i.e., their length is stored as an integer, and they can contain any character. When you replace the third character with a  nothing special happens - it's printed as if it was any other character (in particular, your console simply ignores it).

In the last line, instead, you are printing a C string, whose end is determined by the first  that is found. In such a case, cout goes on printing characters until it finds a , which, in your case, is after the third h.

 is the NULL character, you can find it in your ASCII table , it has the value 0. It is used to determinate the end of C-style strings. However, C++ class std::string stores its size as an integer, and thus does not rely on it

Code Example
Cpp :: sum function in c++ 
Cpp :: trig in c++ 
Cpp :: C++ Counting 
Cpp :: c++ inline if 
Cpp :: Come concatenare stringhe in c++ 
Cpp :: vector erase iterator 
Cpp :: c++ delete int 
Cpp :: cout<<"helloworld"<<endl problem 
Cpp :: qregexpvalidator qlineedit email address 
C :: csrf_exempt 
C :: how to remove button decoration 
C :: get file extension from base64 string 
C :: wireless app debug android 
C :: roll binary c 
C :: same project on different monitor in intellij mac 
C :: restart nginx in alpine linix 
C :: multiplication table using c 
C :: postgres random select 
C :: how to get add to number C 
C :: count number of vowels in a string in c 
C :: copy string c 
C :: why do we need return 0 in c? 
C :: for loop in c 
C :: Counting Sort C 
C :: make a function makefile 
C :: C Arithmetic Operators 
C :: functions in c 
C :: how to use malloc in c 
C :: gcd and lcd in c 
C :: c median of an array 
Source link
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