//the data(value) pointed by the pointer is constant
const int *some_ptr {&number_1};
//the adress pointed by the pointer is constant
int *const some_ptr {&number1} ;
Code Example |
Cpp :: binary add using strings |
Cpp :: hello world program in c ++ using standard namespace |
Cpp :: c++ environment setup |
Cpp :: how to get part from the vector cpp |
Cpp :: c++ influenced |
Cpp :: how to find maximum value in c++ |
Cpp :: c++ excel cell blank cells |
C :: stop redis server |
C :: clear screen c |
C :: purge nvidia |
C :: dynamic 2d arr in c |
C :: c get file size |
C :: random number in c |
C :: if statement shorthand c |
C :: find power of a number in c |
C :: windeployqt example |
C :: c format specifiers |
C :: C how to find substring in string |
C :: c bit access union |
C :: selection sort in c |
C :: write a binary file c |
C :: c program for swapping of two numbers using temporary variable |
C :: c for loop |
C :: Firebase Connecting with ESP8266 |
C :: enable disable audio listener unity |
C :: print variable adress c |
C :: c pointers |
C :: c bits |
C :: actionbar content color in android |
C :: sockaddr_in c |