sudo apt install libwine
# wine has been changed to libwine
wget -nc
sudo apt-key add winehq.key
sudo apt install --install-recommends winehq-devel
sudo apt install --install-recommends winehq-staging
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
Code Example |
Cpp :: google pdf iframe viwer |
Cpp :: change abstract title name latex |
Cpp :: parallelize for loop c++ |
Cpp :: maximum int c++ |
Cpp :: roscpp publish int32 |
Cpp :: change to lowercase in notepad++ |
Cpp :: C++ switch cases |
Cpp :: c++ string comparison |
Cpp :: c++ initialize array 1 to n |
Cpp :: c++ sort vector |
Cpp :: convert all characters in string to uppercase c++ |
Cpp :: arguments to a class instance c++ |
Cpp :: how print fload wiht 2 decimal in c++ |
Cpp :: delete one specific character in string C++ |
Cpp :: c++ call method in same class |
Cpp :: cpp multidimensional vector |
Cpp :: max_element c++ |
Cpp :: when was c++ created |
Cpp :: c++ print string |
Cpp :: c++ template function |
Cpp :: reading file c++ |
Cpp :: joins in mysql use sequelize |
Cpp :: cstring to string |
Cpp :: std::iomanip c++ |
Cpp :: find duplicate from an array c++ |
Cpp :: How to create files in C++ |
Cpp :: anagram solution in c++ |
Cpp :: how to add c++14 in sublime text |
Cpp :: binary search c++ |
Cpp :: tree to array c++ |