


Contains data from nbasal.dta
  obs:           269                          
 vars:            22                          18 Feb 2003 09:24
 size:        12,912 (100.0% of memory free)
              storage  display     value
variable name   type   format      label      variable label
marr            byte   %1.0f                  =1 if married
wage            float  %9.2f                  annual salary, thousands $
exper           byte   %2.0f                  years as a professional player
age             byte   %2.0f                  age in years
educ            byte   %1.0f                  years playing at college
games           byte   %6.0f                  average games per year
minutes         int    %6.0f                  minutes per season
guard           byte   %1.0f                  =1 if guard
forward         byte   %1.0f                  =1 if forward
center          byte   %1.0f                  =1 if center
points          float  %2.0f                  points per game
rebounds        float  %2.0f                  rebounds per game 
assists         float  %2.0f                  assists per game
draft           int    %3.0f                  draft number
allstar         byte   %1.0f                  all-star player
avgmin          float  %9.2f                  minutes per game
lwage           float  %9.2f                  natural log of wage
black           byte   %1.0f                  =1 if black
children        byte   %1.0f                  =1 if has children
expersq         int    %3.0f                  exper^2
agesq           int    %9.0g                  age^2
marrblck        byte   %1.0f                  marr*black


Contains data from nbasal.dta
  obs:           269                          
 vars:            22                          18 Feb 2003 09:24
 size:        12,912 (100.0% of memory free)
              storage  display     value
variable name   type   format      label      variable label
marr            byte   %1.0f                  =1 if married
wage            float  %9.2f                  annual salary, thousands $
exper           byte   %2.0f                  years as a professional player
age             byte   %2.0f                  age in years
educ            byte   %1.0f                  years playing at college
games           byte   %6.0f                  average games per year
minutes         int    %6.0f                  minutes per season
guard           byte   %1.0f                  =1 if guard
forward         byte   %1.0f                  =1 if forward
center          byte   %1.0f                  =1 if center
points          float  %2.0f                  points per game
rebounds        float  %2.0f                  rebounds per game 
assists         float  %2.0f                  assists per game
draft           int    %3.0f                  draft number
allstar         byte   %1.0f                  all-star player
avgmin          float  %9.2f                  minutes per game
lwage           float  %9.2f                  natural log of wage
black           byte   %1.0f                  =1 if black
children        byte   %1.0f                  =1 if has children
expersq         int    %3.0f                  exper^2
agesq           int    %9.0g                  age^2
marrblck        byte   %1.0f                  marr*black

Code Example
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Source link
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