

Datagridview causing IndexOutOfRangeException when clicked upon

// I guess the click event tries to get the currently selected row and do something with it, 
// while dataGridViewExample.DataSource = null; clears the datasource, 
// and the currently selected row becomes null.

// If you set the DataGridView.DataSource to the list, 
// you don't need to reset it to null, refresh, and reset it to the list again 
// (and refresh again) to see the changes. It will be enough to just refresh the DataGridView.

// You can also just try using an BindingList<T> object instead of a List<T>, 
// which will automatically notify your grid of its internal changes 
// (Adding and removing elements), and there's also an INotifyPropertyChanged interface you 
// can implement on your MyObject class, that will make every property change in an object 
// show on the grid (For any changes made to the object in the code, and not through 
// the grid itself).

Code Example
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Source link
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