

dotnet target specific framework

// global.json file in root of your project (as far as I understand, 
// where you execute the 'dotnet' command, the CLI is going to go upwards
// until it finds this file and respect its contents - this means that it
// should not affect any other projects - even though its name is global.json)
  "sdk": {
    "version": "3.0.0"

Code Example
Csharp :: if equal statement c# 
Csharp :: trigger checkbox combobox wpf 
Csharp :: C# read GroupComponent Or PartComponent using regex 
Csharp :: ExceptionFilterAttribute exception-handler-middleware-not-catching 
Csharp :: conveyor function in f# 
Csharp :: C# parallel for loop specify cores 
Csharp :: save a string as file to drive appscript 
Csharp :: ASP.NET Core set update clear cache from IMemoryCache (set by Set method of CacheExtensions class) 
Csharp :: Remove tabpage by key 
Csharp :: C# how to stop user type into combobox 
Csharp :: get patht bim 360 revit api 
Csharp :: assign a list to another in c# without a loop 
Csharp :: how to add logo in a unity game apk 
Csharp :: Worker service as Windows Service 
Csharp :: C# string go to line 
Csharp :: add integer to string c# 
Csharp :: how to save checkbox value in database in c# 
Csharp :: c# dubble comment 
Csharp :: how can datetimepicker accept hour as well 
Csharp :: getcomponent rigidbody2d 
Csharp :: is it possible to be palindrome 
Csharp :: c# datagridview filter 
Csharp :: c# exists in list 
Csharp :: C# get the last item of the array 
Csharp :: how to add colider in obj in unity 2020 
Csharp :: How to use multiple Commands for one ViewModel 
Csharp :: generate random string 
Html :: espacio html 
Html :: center text v-card 
Html :: disable html form input autocomplete autofill 
Source link
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