

object shaking unity

public class ObjectShake : MonoBehaviour {

	private Vector3 originPosition;
	private Quaternion originRotation;
	public float shake_decay = 0.002f;
	public float shake_intensity = .3f;

	private float temp_shake_intensity = 0;
	void OnGUI (){
		if (GUI.Button (new Rect (20,40,80,20), "Shake")){
			Shake ();
	void Update (){
		if (temp_shake_intensity > 0){
			transform.position = originPosition + Random.insideUnitSphere * temp_shake_intensity;
			transform.rotation = new Quaternion(
				originRotation.x + Random.Range (-temp_shake_intensity,temp_shake_intensity) * .2f,
				originRotation.y + Random.Range (-temp_shake_intensity,temp_shake_intensity) * .2f,
				originRotation.z + Random.Range (-temp_shake_intensity,temp_shake_intensity) * .2f,
				originRotation.w + Random.Range (-temp_shake_intensity,temp_shake_intensity) * .2f);
			temp_shake_intensity -= shake_decay;
	void Shake(){
		originPosition = transform.position;
		originRotation = transform.rotation;
		temp_shake_intensity = shake_intensity;


Code Example
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