

void ontriggerenter not working

2D for 2D (OnTriggerEnter2D) and 3D for 3D (OnTriggerEnter)
at least one object needs to have rigibody, and collider set to isTrigger

yea and this is for unity game engine only

ontriggerenter unity not working

void OnTriggerEnter (Collider other)
         if (other.gameObject.tag == "Object") 
             Debug.Log ("Collided");
//at least one object needs a rigidbody, and a collider set to isTrigger.
//the problem may be that you put it in a void, you need to take it out of voids for it to work

ontriggerenter2d not working

Unity Monobehavior Lifecycle methods start with a capital and C# methods are case-sensitive.
Therefore, the following methods need to be corrected to be used by Unity:
onTriggerEnter2D => OnTriggerEnter2D

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