/* Add animation to normal selector as well, besides hover selector */
div {
background-color: #333;
transition: background-color 400ms;
div:hover {
background-color: #000;
transition: background-color 400ms;
Code Example |
Css :: javascript index value |
Css :: css rounded circle image |
Css :: create variable in css |
Css :: moving cloud by css |
Css :: css tricks macos spaces in dock |
Css :: in 10 seconds fade in a card html css |
Css :: rendre une div scrollable |
Css :: contrast color using css |
Css :: can a div change an item in another div css |
Css :: preserve aspect ratio image css |
Css :: using tinymce with tailwind css |
Css :: css color word multiple colors |
Css :: background-image url( background.png ) |
Css :: css folded corner |
Css :: align svg and text inside button |
Css :: google font smooth |
Css :: animation properties css |
Css :: css !important |
Css :: hover bg change |
Css :: circle css animation |
Css :: what is a css selector |
Css :: vim unset number |
Css :: move cursor |
Css :: advance css |
Css :: grid template css |
Css :: align item center flex |
Css :: css button remove border |
Css :: css diplay grid text truncate |
Css :: css space inter words |
Css :: cant change button higeht in @media |