.item-to-span {
grid-column-end: span 2;
/* width 100% on a grid */
grid-column: 1/-1;
Code Example |
Css :: stop anchor tag scroll to top of page |
Css :: vh and vw |
Css :: centered navigation |
Css :: shrink div to fit content |
Css :: watch scss |
Css :: tailwind background gradient |
Css :: margin auto not centering |
Css :: css transparent color |
Css :: box shadow to table cell css |
Css :: css image transparency |
Css :: how to desactivate txt selection css |
Css :: tile format css |
Css :: grid repeat css |
Css :: transition various properties css |
Css :: css change text color |
Css :: twig block |
Css :: Hide second occarrence of a css class |
Css :: how to make distance betwwen corosel transition |
Css :: scss select all childs |
Css :: show arrow on hover css |
Css :: border-style css |
Css :: deep selector |
Css :: elementor ccs code for gradient |
Css :: text-decoration |
Css :: .col-12 bootstrap |
Css :: css stroke |
Css :: mixin parameters |
Css :: make element no styles |
Css :: Html css forbidden cursor |
Css :: how fixed image at top |