/* One can simplify .card h1, .card h2, .card h3 using "where"
which does not add any specificity.
.card :where(h1, h2, h3) { /* equivalent to .card h1, .card h2, .card h3 */
margin: 0;
ol {
list-style-type: upper-alpha;
color: darkblue;
/* Not applied to ol, because of lower specificity */
:where(ol, ul, menu:unsupported) :where(ol, ul) {
color: green;
:where(ol, ul) :where(ol, ul) ol {
list-style-type: lower-greek;
color: chocolate;
Code Example |
Css :: how to insert gradient in css |
Css :: bootstrap modal overflow |
Css :: grid repeat css |
Css :: writing mode css |
Css :: css cursor size |
Css :: css media query max width |
Css :: fading bottom image css |
Css :: conic gradient in css |
Css :: scroll design |
Css :: remove outline on button click |
Css :: Hide second occarrence of a css class |
Css :: simple css reset |
Css :: fixed table header css |
Css :: border-width |
Css :: ease in out |
Css :: hr vertical en html |
Css :: jest afterAll |
Css :: apply margin to all child elements |
Css :: how to make text disappear after a certain length css |
Css :: css for chrome only |
Css :: fix scroll css position sticky |
Css :: .txt:hover { text-decoration: underline; } |
Css :: device-pixel-ratio css |
Css :: line icon css |
Css :: linear gradient in css |
Css :: set css on parent element css |
Css :: working with tailwind css on your react build |
Css :: translate css property |
Css :: css orientations |
Css :: color gradient |