# If you havent put this in your code this may be the reason why your CSS code isnt working, its weird but yeah!
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="http://fakedomain.com/smilemachine/html.css" />
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="http://yourdomain.com/dir/file.css" />
The are 3 core reasons why your CSS may not work:
1. The CSS file isn’t linked to the HTML document
2. Wrong name of the CSS file
3. You're editing in the wrong file
Code Example |
Css :: Changing Image depending on Mobile or Desktop HTML & CSS |
Css :: rem css |
Css :: radius to imported icons |
Css :: make element fit in vh and vw |
Css :: object-fit: cover; |
Css :: scss a link style |
Css :: division in css |
Css :: overflow |
Css :: flexbox in css |
Css :: how to make grid css |
Css :: error 404 flask on css file |
Css :: how we use backdrop-filter css property |
Css :: applying multiple transform values to an object css |
Css :: interfaces in golang |
Css :: remove unused css styles |
Css :: @font-face or font link |
Css :: input disabled css |
Css :: transparent circle css |
Css :: custom properties css |
Css :: css elementos |
Css :: text-shadow |
Css :: align center without using margin |
Css :: html css text color invert on image |
Css :: how to use animista css in html |
Css :: haml add css |
Css :: flex index css |
Css :: gravity form css |
Css :: scss modules |
Css :: mvc how to css file linked |
Css :: media screen use another css file |