

the instance member cannot be accessed in an initializer

Use dynamic instead of type.
List<Products> // type
List<dynamic> // dynamic

The instance member ‘’ can’t be accessed in an initializer

//to use varialble and not change them
class MyAlert extends StatefulWidget {
  final Map task;
  const MyAlert({Key? key, required this.task}) : super(key: key);

  State<MyAlert> createState() => _MyAlertState();

class _MyAlertState extends State<MyAlert> {
  TextEditingController titleController = TextEditingController();
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
 //if you're not using a state management tool to rebuild a certain part
 //the variables below widget build will be reset again 
 //ex: if used setState()
    String dropValue = widget.task['status'];
    titleController.text = widget.task['title'];
    return AlertDialog(....);

Code Example
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Dart :: Example of shorthand (arrow syntax) function Dart 
Dart :: flutter concat string list 
Dart :: dart get class name 
Dart :: ~/ vs / dart 
Dart :: difference between hot reload and hot restart in flutter 
Dart :: dart anonymous function in forEach 
Dart :: flutter how to get height and width of screen 
Dart :: how to define format snippet of class name as file name in dart : flutter 
Dart :: flutter add checkbox 
Dart :: how to disable float stack in flutter 
Dart :: Try adding a case clause for the missing constant, or adding a default clause.dartmissing_enum_constant_in_switch. 
Dart :: add sound to my flutter app 
Dart :: Flutter Rendering Widgets Using JSON Data 
Dart :: flutter thai language keyboard 
Dart :: icons flutter to put a right 
Dart :: import intl in flutter 
Swift :: swiftui center image 
Swift :: swift append element to array 
Swift :: print document directory path swift 
Swift :: how to swift pie chart quartzcore framework 
Swift :: swift get a rectangle centered 
Swift :: firestore subcollection swift 
Swift :: swift go back to previous view controller 
Swift :: swift convert decimal to string 
Swift :: unit testing swift 
Swift :: set button programmatically swift 
Swift :: swift date to string 
Swift :: swift make condition that you are in sumulator 
Swift :: xcode how to know which textfield is selected 
Source link
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