

make linear diagram html

    <title>JavaScript Line Chart</title>
      <script src=""></script>
      <style type="text/css">      
        html, body, #container { 
          width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0; padding: 0; 
      <div id="container"></div>

anychart.onDocumentReady(function () {

  // create a data set on our data
  var dataSet =;
  // map data for the first series,
  // take x from the zero column and value from the first column
  var firstSeriesData = dataSet.mapAs({ x: 0, value: 1 });

  // map data for the second series,
  // take x from the zero column and value from the second column
  var secondSeriesData = dataSet.mapAs({ x: 0, value: 2 });
  // map data for the third series,
  // take x from the zero column and value from the third column 
  var thirdSeriesData = dataSet.mapAs({ x: 0, value: 3 });
  // map data for the fourth series,
  // take x from the zero column and value from the fourth column
  var fourthSeriesData = dataSet.mapAs({ x: 0, value: 4 });

  // create a line chart
  var chart = anychart.line();

  // turn on the line chart animation
  // configure the chart title text settings
  chart.title('Acceptance of same-sex relationships in the US over the last 2 decades');

  // set the y axis title
  chart.yAxis().title('% of people who accept same-sex relationships');
  // turn on the crosshair

  // create the first series with the mapped data
  var firstSeries = chart.line(firstSeriesData);
    .stroke('3 #f49595')
    .format("Age group 18-34 : {%value}%");
  // create the second series with the mapped data
  var secondSeries = chart.line(secondSeriesData);
    .stroke('3 #f9eb97')
    .format("Age group 35-49 : {%value}%");

  // create the third series with the mapped data
  var thirdSeries = chart.line(thirdSeriesData);
    .stroke('3 #a8d9f6')
    .format("Age group 50-64 : {%value}%");
  // create the fourth series with the mapped data
  var fourthSeries = chart.line(fourthSeriesData);
    .stroke('3 #e2bbfd')
    .format("Age group 65+ : {%value}%");

  // turn the legend on

  // set the container id for the line chart
  // draw the line chart


function getData() {
  return [

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Source link
3+4 =