

twig pagination bootstrap 5

<nav aria-label="Page navigation example">
			class="pagination justify-content-center">
			{# precedent #}
			<li class="page-item {{ app.request.query.get('page')==1 or app.request.query.get('page')==0 ? 'disabled' }} ">
				{% if app.request.query.get('page') is defined and app.request.query.get('page')>1 %}
					{% set precedent = app.request.query.get('page') -1 %}
				{% else %}
					{% set precedent = 1 %}
				{% endif %}
				<a class="page-link" href="{{ path('¤entity¤_index',{'page':precedent,'tri':app.request.query.get('tri'),'ordre':app.request.query.get('ordre')}) }}">
					<span aria-hidden="true">&laquo;</span>
			{% if pagesMaxi/10>6 %}
				{# 1 #}
				<li class="page-item">
					<a class="page-link" href="{{ path('¤entity¤_index',{'page':1,'tri':app.request.query.get('tri'),'ordre':app.request.query.get('ordre')}) }}">1</a>
				{# pages millieu #}
				{% for item in 1..5 %}
					<li class="page-item">
						<a class="page-link " href="{{ path('¤entity¤_index',{'page':(pagesMaxi/10/6*loop.index)|number_format(0),'tri':app.request.query.get('tri'),'ordre':app.request.query.get('ordre')}) }}">{{(pagesMaxi/10/6*loop.index)|number_format(0)}}</a>
				{% endfor %}
				{# maxi #}
				<li class="page-item">
					<a class="page-link" href={{ path('¤entity¤_index',{'page':(pagesMaxi/10)|number_format(0),'tri':app.request.query.get('tri'),'ordre':app.request.query.get('ordre')} ) }}>{{(pagesMaxi/10)|number_format(0)}}</a>
			{% else %}
				{% for item in 1..(pagesMaxi/10)|number_format(0) %}
					<li class="page-item">
						<a class="page-link " href="{{ path('¤entity¤_index',{'page':loop.index,'tri':app.request.query.get('tri'),'ordre':app.request.query.get('ordre')}) }}">{{loop.index}}</a>
				{% endfor %}
			{% endif %}
			{# suivant #}
			<li class="page-item {{ app.request.query.get('page') >= (pagesMaxi/10)|number_format ? 'disabled' }}">
				{% if app.request.query.get('page')==0 %}
					{% set suivant = 2 %}
				{% else %}
					{% set suivant = app.request.query.get('page') +1 %}
				{% endif %}
				<a class="page-link" href="{{ path('¤entity¤_index',{'page':suivant,'tri':app.request.query.get('tri'),'ordre':app.request.query.get('ordre')}) }}">
					<span aria-hidden="true">&raquo;</span>

Code Example
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Source link
7+5 =