

can the method local inner class object access method local variables

/* First of all, your program compiles and works fine because you are using Java 8. 
If using Java 7 or lower, it won't even compile. The reason is exactly as you cited. 
But I will try to explain it a bit more. Consider the following code: */

public void m1() {
    int k = 30;
    class inner {
        public void m2() {
    inner o = new inner();
    k = 42;     // <= Note the reassignment here.

What should the method call o.m2() print? "30" or "42"? Both outputs could 
reasonably be argumented. At the time the method was declared and defined, 
the variable k had the value 30. At the time the method was called, the 
variable k had the value 42.

To prevent such ambiguities, the compiler does not allow assignment to a 
variable that is used in such inner classes (local and anonymous). So it 
must be final.

In Java 8 this was relaxed a bit. Java 8 introduced the concept of 
effectively final. A variable that is declared and initialized and not 
being assigned again is considered effectively final. And the compiler 
allows that code without declaring the variable final.

As a matter of fact, you also get a compiler error in Java 8 when trying 
to compile the above code.  

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