

doubly linked list java add an element to the end

// Add a node at the end of the list
void append(int new_data)
    /* 1. allocate node
     * 2. put in the data */
    Node new_node = new Node(new_data);
    Node last = head; /* used in step 5*/
    /* 3. This new node is going to be the last node, so
     * make next of it as NULL*/ = null;
    /* 4. If the Linked List is empty, then make the new
     * node as head */
    if (head == null) {
        new_node.prev = null;
        head = new_node;
    /* 5. Else traverse till the last node */
    while ( != null)
        last =;
    /* 6. Change the next of last node */ = new_node;
    /* 7. Make last node as previous of new node */
    new_node.prev = last;

doubly linked list java add an element to the end

// Add a node at the end of the list
void append(int new_data)
    /* 1. allocate node
     * 2. put in the data */
    Node new_node = new Node(new_data);
    Node last = head; /* used in step 5*/
    /* 3. This new node is going to be the last node, so
     * make next of it as NULL*/ = null;
    /* 4. If the Linked List is empty, then make the new
     * node as head */
    if (head == null) {
        new_node.prev = null;
        head = new_node;
    /* 5. Else traverse till the last node */
    while ( != null)
        last =;
    /* 6. Change the next of last node */ = new_node;
    /* 7. Make last node as previous of new node */
    new_node.prev = last;

doubly linked list java add an element to the end

// Add a node at the end of the list
void append(int new_data)
    /* 1. allocate node
     * 2. put in the data */
    Node new_node = new Node(new_data);
    Node last = head; /* used in step 5*/
    /* 3. This new node is going to be the last node, so
     * make next of it as NULL*/ = null;
    /* 4. If the Linked List is empty, then make the new
     * node as head */
    if (head == null) {
        new_node.prev = null;
        head = new_node;
    /* 5. Else traverse till the last node */
    while ( != null)
        last =;
    /* 6. Change the next of last node */ = new_node;
    /* 7. Make last node as previous of new node */
    new_node.prev = last;

doubly linked list java add an element to the end

// Add a node at the end of the list
void append(int new_data)
    /* 1. allocate node
     * 2. put in the data */
    Node new_node = new Node(new_data);
    Node last = head; /* used in step 5*/
    /* 3. This new node is going to be the last node, so
     * make next of it as NULL*/ = null;
    /* 4. If the Linked List is empty, then make the new
     * node as head */
    if (head == null) {
        new_node.prev = null;
        head = new_node;
    /* 5. Else traverse till the last node */
    while ( != null)
        last =;
    /* 6. Change the next of last node */ = new_node;
    /* 7. Make last node as previous of new node */
    new_node.prev = last;

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Source link
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