

add grepper answer manually

// If the "add answer" button isn't showing:
// Try pressing "a" on your keyboard after searching your question! :)

how to make a grepper answer

Hello here is me making a random grepper answer:

grepper add code answer

solve the error issue 

$ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-androidx
$ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-androidx-adapter

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how to use Add Grepper Answer (a)

decrypt file xml file

grepper add code answer

ng if cart icon got items only show numbers

<ion-icon slot="end" (click)="openCart()" #cart class="cart_icons" name="cart-outline"></ion-icon>
        <div *ngIf="(cartItemCount | async) >= 1 ">
          <span>{{ cartItemCount | async }}</span>

add grepper answer (a) what does it mean

select *

add grepper answer

Have you emptied the cache while reloading (usually Ctrl+F5)? Xampp not updating CSS immediately 

how to add grepper answer

Hi All if you are getting this error:

error: Error [firebase_auth/internal-error] {"error":{"code":400,"message":"API key not valid. Please pass a valid API key.","errors":[{"message":"API key not valid. Please pass a valid API key.","domain":"global","reason":"badRequest"}],"status":"INVALID_ARGUMENT","details":[{"@type":"","reason":"API_KEY_INVALID","domain":"","metadata":{"service":""}}]}}

this means you are trying to run app on web chrome and in your flutter app this is not configure so follow below steps:

 1. Go to https://console.firebase
 2. Select your project name i.e. "E-Commerce App"
 3. Select Add App option from dashboard select platform (flutter/android/ios/web) from this select flutter
 4. Add Firebase to your Flutter app this screen will open then select next
 5. From any directory, run this command:"dart pub global activate flutterfire_cli"
 6. Then, at the root of your Flutter project directory, run this command:"flutterfire configure --project=eshop-a44ca"
 7. After "flutterfire configure" check npm

add this in main.dart file: 
await Firebase.initializeApp(
		 options: DefaultFirebaseOptions.currentPlatform,

 8. Run this command in your project directory npm install -g firebase-tools
9.Again run this command ""flutterfire configure --project=eshop-a44ca" you will see below screen [firebase options file created in lib folder]

 9. now you can sign up/register user successfully 
 10. [user created on firestore database ]


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