importjava.util.Random;Random rand =newRandom();// Obtain a number between [0 - 49].int n = rand.nextInt(50);// Add 1 to the result to get a number from the required range// (i.e., [1 - 50]).
n +=1;
importjava.util.Random;class scratch{publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args){Random rand =newRandom();System.out.println( rand.nextInt(5));//prints a random Int between 0 - 4 (including 0 & 4);}}
importjava.util.Random;publicclassSelection{publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args){Random rand =newRandom();String[] animals ={"Dog","Cat","Fish","Turtle","Penguin"};// array of animalsSystem.out.println("Console picked "+ animals[rand.nextInt(animals.length)]);// prints the random animal selected from array}}
// Thread safe random number generator.importjava.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;// Generate random integers int val =ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt();// Print random intSystem.out.println("Random Integer: "+ val);
importjava.util.Random;Random rand =newRandom();// Obtain a number between [0 - 49].int n = rand.nextInt(50);// Add 1 to the result to get a number from the required range// (i.e., [1 - 50]).
n +=1;
// verschiedene Arten von Zufallszahlen in einem Bereich starten bei 0 oder bei// der unteren Schranke und werden bis exklusiv der oberen Schranke generiertimportjava.util.Random;Random zufall =newRandom();int neueZahl = zufall.nextInt(1,10);
classGenerateRandom{publicstaticvoidmain(String args[]){int min =50;int max =100;//Generate random int value from 50 to 100 System.out.println("Random value in int from "+min+" to "+max+":");int random_int =(int)Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min+1)+min);System.out.println(random_int);}}
importjava.util.Random;//If there is a need to reproduce the same sequence of random numbers, //we have to specify a seed to the constructor, like 100000Random random =newRandom(100000);//using a seedSystem.out.println(random.nextInt(5));// print one random 0, 1, 2, 3, 4System.out.println(random.nextInt(5));