

string in java

/* String is a build-in class in java, Yes It's a class, but it is
almost used like any other data types such as int, float, long, etc.
Similar we can use String also. */

What is String ?
String is a collection of characters that are forming from words or sentences.
String object must be in a double quotes.

Simplest way to creating a String -->
String str1 = "This is a String literal";

Explanation  :

String - is a build-in class provided by java.
str1 - is a variable, means variable of type of object is called the reference,
	   however it is most called reference. Hold the String object or point 
       to the String object.
"This is a String" - is a String literal and created in String pool.

java string

/*A Java string is a sequence of characters that exists as an object of the class java. lang. 
Java strings are created and manipulated through the string class.
Once created, a string is immutable -- its value cannot be changed. A string is sequence of characters.*/
String str = "This is a String":
String str2 = "Hello World";

Create a String in Java

class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // create strings
    String first = "Java";
    String second = "Python";
    String third = "JavaScript";

    // print strings
    System.out.println(first);   // print Java
    System.out.println(second);  // print Python
    System.out.println(third);   // print JavaScript

string in java

/* String is a build-in class in java, Yes It's a class, but it is
almost used like any other data types such as int, float, long, etc.
Similar we can use String also. */

What is String ?
String is a collection of characters that are forming from words or sentences.
String object must be in a double quotes.

Simplest way to creating a String -->
String str1 = "This is a String literal";

Explanation  :

String - is a build-in class provided by java.
str1 - is a variable, means variable of type of object is called the reference,
	   however it is most called reference. Hold the String object or point 
       to the String object.
"This is a String" - is a String literal and created in String pool.

string in java

/* String is a build-in class in java, Yes It's a class, but it is
almost used like any other data types such as int, float, long, etc.
Similar we can use String also. */

What is String ?
String is a collection of characters that are forming from words or sentences.
String object must be in a double quotes.

Simplest way to creating a String -->
String str1 = "This is a String literal";

Explanation  :

String - is a build-in class provided by java.
str1 - is a variable, means variable of type of object is called the reference,
	   however it is most called reference. Hold the String object or point 
       to the String object.
"This is a String" - is a String literal and created in String pool. 

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Source link
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