

trémaux’ method java

Trémaux method Java
-helps you to solve a Labyrinth
-there are two kind of Fields:
	-Ways (there are two walls and just two free fields (one where you came from and one where you will go to)
    -Crossings (there are at least three open ways) you have to mark the way where you came from and where you will go to)
 -if a path has two or more marks do not cross it

-Let´s Go:
> if there are two walls and two open ways, choose the way you didn´t came from
> if there are are at least three open ways:
 > mark the direction wehre you came from
  > if you never visited the crossing before choose one of the paths and mark it too
  > if you visited the place before (there allready is a mark in at least one direction (not counting the one you just put behind you)) go back and mark the way again
   > if you visited the place before and behind you allready are two marks choose one of the paths with the smallest number of marks (0 or 1)
   > if there are two or more marks or walls in every direction you just walked through the whole labyrinth

-the labyrinth is a twodimensional Array
-at a crossing you will scan the diffrent directions (left, ahead, right, back), so you will need a second system based on compass directions to change the coordinates
	-For Example: Laby[y][x]
    			  North = 1; East = 2; South = 3; West = 4;
    			  startDirection = 3;	                                N
                  if you move right: direction = direction + 1         ###
                  if you move left: direction = direction - 1         W# #E
                  if you move forward: direction stays the same        ###
                  if you turn around: direction = direction + 2         S
                  	if direction = 5: direction = 1 //in case you want to turn from South to North
                    if direction = 6: direction = 2 //in case you want to turn from West to East
                  if direction = 1: changePosition: y + 1 (go one field up(North))
                  if direction = 2: changePosition: x + 1 (go one field right(East))
                  if direction = 3: changePosition: y - 1 (go one field down(South))
                  if direction = 4: changePosition: x - 1 (go one field left(West))
//If I could help you, I would appreciate a little donation                  

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