

java variables

/* Depending on what variables you want to declare */
String hello = "hello"; //characters
short one = 12;//shorter integers
int two = 2000; //complete integer up too 32 bits
long number = 2000000; //complete integer up to 64 bits
float decimal = 1.512 //up to 7 decimal digits
double million = 1.387892847395 //up tp 16 decmial digits
Bool condition = true; // true or false
char a = "a"; // unicode character

what is var in java

The var keyword was introduced in Java 10. 
Type inference is used in var keyword in which it detects automatically 
the datatype of a variable based on the surrounding context. 
The below examples explain where var is used and also where you can’t use it.

// Java program to explain that
// var can used to declare any datatype
class Demo1 {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // int
        var x = 100;
        // double
        var y = 1.90;
        // char
        var z = 'a';
        // string
        var p = "tanu";
        // boolean
        var q = false;
        // type inference is used in var keyword in which it
        // automatically detects the datatype of a variable

variables in java

class Variables {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String msg = "Hello World"; // Strings
        int number = 10; // Integers
        float decimal = 7.369f; // Make sure to end the decimal with an f.
        char letter = 'A'; // Characters
        boolean result = true; // Booleans

what are variables in java

//variable is a container which holds the value//
var characters = document.getElementbyID('character').value;
//above the variable is characters and value is character//

java variable

//this are the most common ones
int x = 5; 
String y = "hello";
System.out.println(x + y);

java variables

##	Variable
- Container which holds the value while the Java program is executed. 
- Assigned with a data type. 
- Name of memory location. 

##	There are three types of variables in java: 
1) Local variable 
2) Static (or class) variable 
3) Instance variable

why use var in java

improve the readability of code for other developers who read the code. 
In some situations

Code Example
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