

Which Is Better to Configure a Spring Boot Project — Properties or YAML?

YAML offers many advantages over properties files:

More clarity and better readability
Perfect for hierarchical configuration data, which is also represented in a better, more readable format
Support for maps, lists and scalar types
Can include several profiles in the same file (since Spring Boot 2.4.0, this is possible for properties files too)
However, writing it can be a little difficult and error-prone due to its indentation rules.

Code Example
Java :: Uri/beecrowd problem no 1118 solution in Java 
Java :: kakao tech tcp close_wati 
Java :: crud repository count number of items in a list 
Java :: integer class in java 
Java :: contoh object dalam oop java 
Java :: recycler view event being raised multiple times 
Java :: Java object of the file 
Java :: final variables in java 
Java :: scroll 
Java :: int to double java 
Java :: remove part of string java 
Java :: how to replace a character with another character in a string in java 
Java :: || in java 
Java :: camel java 
Java :: alert dialog not displayed android 
Java :: Calling A Class From Another Class In Java 
Java :: file need to save in spring boot application 
Java :: update role spring security 
Java :: java 8 stream add to list 
Java :: rest api client url not connecting to the database in spring boot 
Java :: selenium firefox to foreground -python java 
Sql :: postgres get size of database 
Sql :: mysql current running queries 
Sql :: django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: mysqlclient 1.4.0 or newer is required; you have 0.10.1. 
Sql :: check database name oracle 
Sql :: mysql show databases 
Sql :: create table in postgresql 
Sql :: sql query to get column names and data types in sql server 
Sql :: oracle list procedures 
Sql :: oracle find text in functions 
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