

Why should we mention a method throws some exception/s?

The throws keyword allows the compiler to help you write code that handles this type of error, but it does not prevent the abnormal termination of the program. With the help of the throws keyword, we can provide information to the caller of the method about the types of exceptions the method might throw.

Code Example
Java :: spring boot docker 
Java :: android studio constraint layout proportional height 
Java :: java format use same value multiple times 
Java :: java create list integer range 
Java :: localdate java 
Java :: java random array 
Java :: from string to date 
Java :: matrix multiplication in java 
Java :: How to count the number of islands (groups of adjacent 1s) in a grid of 1s (land) and 0s (water), in Java? 
Java :: for loop java 
Java :: Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: No installed build tools found. Install the Android build tools version 19.1.0 or higher. 
Java :: java does file exist 
Java :: java quotes in string 
Java :: return the maximum sum of two numbers whose digits add up to an equal sum 
Java :: java insert char in string at index 
Java :: set size button java 
Java :: build tools java 
Java :: add opacity to activity android 
Java :: print java 
Java :: string tokenizer java 
Java :: java string regexp replace 
Java :: for loop javasctip 
Java :: Java Insert Elements to HashSet 
Java :: How to find the logged-in user in Spring Boot? 
Java :: how to find the length of a string in java without using length function 
Java :: intent android 
Java :: java instant from timestamp string 
Java :: java string not equal 
Java :: java insert at index 
Java :: java string array to arraylist 
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