

zombie testing java

A quick guide to ZOMB+E

Zero checks if there is anything so not null or "" or if exist

One cheks if there are an instance of a class or value 
  like two people cant have same phone number

Many it checks in an array if something happens when values 
  are inserted and values are removed
Boundaries testing the limits like a phone number can only contain 8 numbers
  so there cant be 7 or 9
Exercise exceptional behavior if an error occurred the aplication will say ex
  "Error phonenumber to long" or "Error phonenumber to short"

Code Example
Java :: best wireless headphoenes under 200 
Java :: how to create database in java 
Java :: mostrar divisores java 
Java :: Java Using Looping Construct to Copy Arrays 
Java :: make pattern for V in jaca 
Java :: randpm years java 
Java :: implicit type casting in java 
Java :: How to pass ArrayList of Objects from one to another activity using Intent in android? 
Java :: java replace second char of a string 
Java :: stackoverflow java enum with constructor 
Java :: <selector xmlns:android="<item android;drawable="@drawable/bluebtn" android: state_enabled="false"/ 
Java :: Java Insert Elements to LinkedHashSet 
Java :: similar thing as pair in c++ in java 
Java :: flutter android studio Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/bind/annotation/XmlSchema 
Java :: Java Constructor invocations 
Java :: java ordenar los valores de un array de menor a mayor 
Java :: 3x+1 in java 
Java :: java csvformat example semi colon 
Java :: Java lAccess TreeMap Elements 
Java :: sudoku 6x6 java 
Java :: Bad JNI version returned from JNI_OnLoad in 
Java :: save documents on Android 11 
Java :: reference to an instance method of an arbitrary object of a particular type 
Java :: read CSV file and map it to bean java 
Java :: how to get the url after loading page in webview in andorid 
Java :: change password swing gui 
Java :: output 
Java :: code converter python to java 
Java :: how to extract a set of binary strings in java 
Java :: sendPlanUpgrade 
Source link
9+8 =