

Data Down Action Up

In React, Unidirectional data flow describes a one-way data flow where 
the data can move in only one pathway when being transferred between 
different parts of the program.React, a Javascript library, 
uses unidirectional data flow. The data from the parent is known 
as props. You can only transfer data from parent to child and 
not vice versa. This means that the child components cannot update 
or modify the data on their own, makeing sure that a clean data flow 
architecture is followed. This also means that you can control 
the data flow better.

React Components act with: Data Down, Action Up

Data Down:
The first and more simple concept, “data down,” refers to the passing 
of data and/or functions via props from parent to child components. 
These props are passed down when a child component gets created. 
We pass data down to child components so they can render them 
on to the DOM.

Action Up:
Action Up refers to sending data back up to the parent from the child 
component with the help of some action or event. Often these actions 
are connected to a callback function.

Code Example
Javascript :: requestanimationframe 
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Javascript :: debounce events in js 
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Javascript :: momentjs utcoffset 
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Javascript :: json object check if key exists java 
Javascript :: angular rellax 
Javascript :: cypress store cookies 
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Javascript :: removeeventlistener click 
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Javascript :: react native text style example 
Javascript :: popover on show event 
Javascript :: request entity too large express 
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Javascript :: find common characters in two strings javascript 
Javascript :: prototype in javascript 
Javascript :: http delete angular 
Javascript :: leaflet control zoom on scrolling page 
Javascript :: how to check string uppercase or lowersace using regex javascript 
Javascript :: navigation react pass props 
Javascript :: how to delay something in javascript 
Javascript :: js copy string to clipboard 
Javascript :: react native password strength meter 
Javascript :: crud template 
Javascript :: array javascript django 
Javascript :: change the value in checkbox by button react 
Javascript :: math.max in javascript 
Source link
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