const table = $("#tableId").DataTable();
table.rows().every( function() {
const node = this.node(); // html node -- tr
const row = $(node).find('td:eq(2)'); // 3rd (0-index) column -- td
let msg = { id: 1, customer_name: 'Fred' }; // source of updates (from backend)
let row = table.row('#row-' +;
let rowindex = row.index();
let columns = table.settings().init().columns;
table.columns().every(function (colindex) {
let coldata = columns[colindex].data; // 'data' as in the DT column definition
if (coldata != 'id' && msg.hasOwnProperty(coldata)) { // (don't update the id!)
table.cell({row: rowindex, column: colindex}).data(msg[coldata])