

input search picture jquery

$(document).ready(function() {
  var images = $(".item") //contain all unfiltered images
  $("#filter").on("change paste keyup", function(){
  	$.each(images, function(i, l){
  	}); //hide all images
  	searchValue = $("#filter").val(); //get entered value of input field
    searchValueRE = new RegExp(searchValue, "i"); //convert search value into RegExp
    output = $.grep(images, function (n) {return searchValueRE.test(n.className); }); //Returns array that matches input value
    $.each(output, function(i, l){
  	}); //show matched images

input search picture jquery

<script src=""></script>
<form id="live-search" method="post">
    <input type="text" class="text-input" id="filter" />
    <span id="filter-count"></span>


<div id="gallery">
  <div class="item #1 Category-Home Home">
    <a id="#image-link" target="_blank" a href="">
      <img class="img_item"><img src="" />

  <div class="item #2 Category-Kitchen Kitchen">
    <a id="#image-link" target="_blank" a href="">
      <img class="img_item"><img src="" />

    <div class="item #3 Category-Outdoors Outdoors">
      <a id="#image-link" target="_blank" a href="">
        <img class="img_item"><img src="" />

  <div class="item #4 Category-Sports Sports">
    <a id="#image-link" target="_blank" a href="">
      <img class="img_item"><img src="" />


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Source link
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