javascript separate words by capital letter
"thisIsATrickyOne" . split ( / (?=[A-Z]) / ) ;
capitalize in javascript
const name = 'flavio'
const nameCapitalized = name. charAt ( 0 ) . toUpperCase ( ) + name. slice ( 1 )
uppercase in word javascript
function toTitleCase ( str ) {
return str. replace ( / wS* / g , function ( txt ) {
return txt. charAt ( 0 ) . toUpperCase ( ) + txt. substr ( 1 ) . toLowerCase ( ) ;
} ) ;
javascript name capitalization
function capitalizeName ( name ) {
return name. replace ( / (w) / g , s => s. toUpperCase ( ) ) ;
javascript capitalize words
function capitalizeFirstLetter ( string ) {
return string. charAt ( 0 ) . toUpperCase ( ) + string. slice ( 1 ) ;
function capitalizeWords ( string ) {
return string. replace ( / (?:^|s)S / g , function ( a ) { return a. toUpperCase ( ) ; } ) ;
} ;
javascript Capitalise a String
const capitalize = str => str. charAt ( 0 ) . toUpperCase ( ) + str. slice ( 1 )
capitalize ( "follow for more" )
find capital word in string javascript
const str = "HERE'S AN UPPERCASE PART of the string" ;
const upperCaseWords = str. match ( / ([A-Z][A-Z]+|[A-Z]) / g ) ;
console . log ( upperCaseWords) ;
js capitalize word
const capitalizeFirstLetter ( string ) =>
string. charAt ( 0 ) . toUpperCase ( ) + string. slice ( 1 ) . toLowerCase ( )
javascript capitalize
myString = 'the quick green alligator...' ;
myString. replace ( / ^w / , ( c ) => c. toUpperCase ( ) ) ;
myString = ' the quick green alligator...' ;
myString. trim ( ) . replace ( / ^w / , ( c ) => c. toUpperCase ( ) ) ;
capitalize a string javascript
const Capitalize = function ( string ) {
return string[ 0 ] . toUpperCase + string. slice ( 1 ) . toLowerCase ;
string to capitalize javascript
const str = 'flexiple' ;
const str2 = str. charAt ( 0 ) . toUpperCase ( ) + str. slice ( 1 ) ;
console . log ( str2) ;
const str = 'abc efg' ;
const str2 = str. charAt ( 0 ) . toUpperCase ( ) + str. slice ( 1 ) ;
console . log ( str2) ;
javascript capitalize all letters
function capitalizeWords ( string ) {
return string. replace ( / (?:^|s)S / g , function ( a ) { return a. toUpperCase ( ) ; } ) ;
} ;
capitalize name function javascript
function capitalizeName ( name ) {
let nameObject = convertNameToObject ( name) ;
let firstName = nameObject. firstName ;
let lastName = nameObject. lastName ;
return firstName[ 0 ] . toUpperCase ( ) + firstName. substring ( 1 , firstName. length ) . toLowerCase ( ) + " " + lastName[ 0 ] . toUpperCase ( ) + lastName. substring ( 1 , lastName. length ) . toLowerCase ( )
capitalize text js
function capitalize ( value : string) {
var textArray = value. split ( ' ' )
var capitalizedText = ''
var conjunctions = [ 'the' , 'of' , 'a' ]
for ( var i = 0 ; i < textArray. length ; i++ ) {
if ( conjunctions. includes ( textArray[ i] ) ) {
capitalizedText += textArray[ i] . charAt ( 0 ) . toUpperCase ( ) + textArray[ i] . slice ( 1 ) + ' '
return capitalizedText. trim ( )
javascript capitalize all words
export function capitalize ( str : string, all : boolean = false ) {
if ( all)
return str. split ( ' ' ) . map ( s => capitalize ( s) ) . join ( ' ' ) ;
return str. charAt ( 0 ) . toUpperCase ( ) + str. slice ( 1 ) ;
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