like this:
var newString = "this is on line 1
and this is on line 2";
// let's say you want to make a code output game in a web page
// and you want to add a C# code
// do it like this!
// or you could use a textarea element and type it normally
const csCode = `
static double avrg(double num1, double num2, double num3, double num4){<br>
  double rslt = (num1 + num2 + num3 + num4) / 4;<br>
  return rslt;<br>
int[] numbers = {10, 15, 8, 4, 2, 81, 90, 34, 23};<br>
int num1 = numbers[3];<br>
int num2 = numbers[7] - 1;<br>
int num3 = numbers[2] * numbers[1];<br>
double num4 = Math.Pow(numbers[3], 3);<br>
Console.WriteLine(avrg(num1, num2, num3, num4));
// and then display it with innerHTML;
document.getElementById('code-display').innerHTML = csCode;
// the ThickSpace; will make it look like a tab keypress
// and now it will look good and will not generate on 1 single line
// and this works for TypeScript as well
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