

json report plugin

Cucumber has built in option to generate json type of report.
this is not for human brain consumption.
this is to be used by third party tools 
so that we can generate better test reports. 
better than the default HTML Report coming from cucumber.
-> to open the json file: 1- Add plugin: "json:target/cucumber.json", 
2- RUN cukes runner. 3- json file will be created by cucumber. 
4- if you want to open, you can doubleclick and open the file. 
(but you don't have to)

Code Example
Javascript :: react route send informaion in url 
Javascript :: amelia earheart 
Javascript :: js string vs number difference 
Javascript :: sinon chaining method 
Javascript :: yarn dev error eacces windows 
Javascript :: oracle apex 20 show spinner by press button 
Javascript :: vue directive parameter 
Javascript :: display prety html json data 
Javascript :: 4.8. Input with readline-sync¶ 
Javascript :: convert from python to javascript online 
Javascript :: discord.js delete commend after reply 
Javascript :: add expressions 
Javascript :: 7.2. Bracket Notation¶ 
Javascript :: $("#heading").offset({ left: left Offset }); 
Javascript :: discord.js mention 
Javascript :: json-parsejson-stringifyx-purpose 
Javascript :: react router dom two page form 
Javascript :: app-root modal component 
Javascript :: chrome see local storage mac 
Javascript :: send data to user node 
Javascript :: package json replace to dev dependencies 
Javascript :: discord.js add role to user 
Javascript :: This is an example of oligosaccharides: 
Javascript :: queen of spain 
Javascript :: classe jquery 
Javascript :: JavaScript place auto complete 
Javascript :: modal nodejs 
Javascript :: VueJs System Modifier keys like exact ctrl alt shift meta 
Javascript :: javascript format hour 
Javascript :: dot notation vs bracket notation javascript 
Source link
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