let array =["loop","this","array"];// input array variablefor(let i =0; i < array.length; i++){// iteration over inputconsole.log(array[i]);// logs the elements from the current input}
var array =[1,2,3,4,5];// made an arrayfor(var i =0; array[i]; i++)// browse your array with this simple condition on indexconsole.log('element '+i+' = '+array[i]);//output:
element 0=1
element 1=2
element 2=3
element 3=4
element 4=5
You may assume that the sequence is always correct, i.e., every booked room was previously free, and every freed room was previously booked.Incase,2 rooms have been booked the same number of times, you have to returnLexographically smaller room.A string 'a' is lexicographically smaller than a string 'b'(of the same length)ifin the first position where 'a' and 'b' differ, string 'a' has a letter that appears earlier in the alphabet than the corresponding letter in string 'b'.For example,"abcd" is lexicographically smaller than "acbd" because the first position they differ in is at the second letter, and 'b' comes before 'c'.
// This is a way to loop threw a 2 dimensional array.// If the array has even more dimension you have to use recurrsion.constArrays=[["Array 1"],["Array 2"]];Arrays.forEach((array, index)=>{console.log(index);
array.forEach((item, index)=>{console.log(item);});});
let arbitraryArr =[1,2,3];// below I choose let, but var and const can also be used for(let arbitraryElementName of arbitraryArr){console.log(arbitraryElementName);}
/* new options with IE6: loop through array of objects */const people =[{id:100,name:'Vikash'},{id:101,name:'Sugam'},{id:102,name:'Ashish'}];// using for offor(let persone of people){console.log(persone.id+': '+ persone.name);}// using forEach(...)
people.forEach(person=>{console.log(persone.id+': '+ persone.name);});// output of above two methods// 100: Vikash// 101: Sugam// 102: Ashish// forEach(...) with index
people.forEach((person, index)=>{console.log(index +': '+ persone.name);});// output of above code in console// 0: Vikash// 1: Sugam// 2: Ashish
let exampleArray =[1,2,3,4,5];// The array to be looped over// Using a for loopfor(let i =0; i < exampleArray.length; i++){console.log(exampleArray[i]);// 1 2 3 4 5}
let arr =['js','python','c++','dart']// no 1for(item of arr){console.log(item);}// no 2for(var item =0; item < arr.length; item++){console.log(arr[i]);}// no 3
arr.forEach(item=>{console.log(item);})// no 4
arr.map(item=>{console.log(item);})// no 5var item =0;while(item < arr.length){console.log(arr[item]);
//pass an array of numbers into a function and log each number to the consolefunctionyourFunctionsName(arrayToLoop){//Initialize 'i' as your counter set to 0//Keep looping while your counter 'i' is less than your arrays length //After each loop the counter 'i' is to increased by 1for(let i =0; i <arrayToLoop.length; i++){//during each loop we will console.log the current array's element//we use 'i' to designate the current element's index in the arrayconsole.log(arrayToLoop[i])}}//Function call below to pass in example array of numbersyourFunctionsName([1,2,3,4,5,6])
//Ddefine the arraylet items =["cakes","banana","managoes"];//Using the for loop for(let i =0; i < items.length; i++){console.log(items[i]);}//Check to see the items of the arrays in the console
functionfilteredArray(arr, elem){let newArr =[];// change code below this linefor(let i =0; i < arr.length; i++){if(arr[i].indexOf(elem)==-1){//Checks every parameter for the element and if is NOT there continues the code
newArr.push(arr[i]);//Inserts the element of the array in the new filtered array}}// change code above this linereturn newArr;}// change code here to test different cases:console.log(filteredArray([[3,2,3],[1,6,3],[3,13,26],[19,3,9]],3));
Javascript using for loop to loop through an array
// Durations are in minutes const tasks =[{'name':'Write for Envato Tuts+','duration':120},{'name':'Work out','duration':60},{'name':'Procrastinate on Duolingo','duration':240}];const task_names =[];for(let i =0, max = tasks.length; i < max; i +=1){
task_names.push(tasks[i].name);}console.log(task_names)// [ 'Write for Envato Tuts+', 'Work out', 'Procrastinate on Duolingo' ]
assert(Array.isArray(spdx.licenses))assert(spdx.licenses.indexOf('ISC')>-1)assert(spdx.licenses.indexOf('Apache-1.7')<0)assert(spdx.licenses.every(function(element){returntypeof element ==='string'}))assert(Array.isArray(spdx.exceptions))assert(spdx.exceptions.indexOf('GCC-exception-3.1')>-1)assert(spdx.exceptions.every(function(element){returntypeof element ==='string'}))
[{name:'Eleven',show:'Stranger Things'},{name:'Jonas',show:'Dark'},{name:'Mulder',show:'The X Files'},{name:'Ragnar',show:'Vikings'}]{name:'Scully',show:'The X Files'}
Lock and Loadwith the exclusive VirtualNomadBundle through PrimeGaming and unlock six unique functionalities:CharacterSkin,CustomEmote,WeaponSkin,EliminationEffect,MeleeWeapon, and CallingCard1)Login to your account on roblox.com2)Go to roblox.com/redeem and enter your code.3)Your item can be equipped from within the AvatarEditor.Enjoy!After you redeem the offer on roblox.com/redeem, launch Arsenal on Roblox, open the PrimeGaming pop-up, and select “Redeem Item” to receive the bonus rewards.Then, go into your Locker to equip th
Race to the top through a massive Arsenalof weapons!Conquer the day in fast paced arcade gameplay,from bazookas to spell books, each weapon will keep you guessing on what's next!EarnBattleBucks and trick out your game with a huge cast of characters, melees, kill effects, skins and more!Join the ROLVeCommunity group for an in-game chat tag and 25% more BattleBucks and XP!
[{name:'Eleven',show:'Stranger Things'},{name:'Jonas',show:'Dark'},{name:'Mulder',show:'The X Files'},{name:'Ragnar',show:'Vikings'}]{name:'Scully',show:'The X Files'}
TypeError:Cannot read properties ofundefined(reading 'name')
at D:webmusicackend.js:16:26
at Layer.handle[as handle_request](D:webmusic
at next(D:webmusic
at Route.dispatch(D:webmusic
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at D:webmusic
at Function.process_params(D:webmusic
at next(D:webmusic
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at Layer.handle[as handle_request](D:webmusic
[{name:'Eleven',show:'Stranger Things'},{name:'Jonas',show:'Dark'},{name:'Mulder',show:'The X Files'},{name:'Ragnar',show:'Vikings'}]{name:'Scully',show:'The X Files'}