let regex = new RegExp(value.searchQuery,'i');
const filterd = await Model.find({ $and: [ { $or: [{title: regex },{description: regex}] }, {category: value.category}, {city:value.city} ] })
router.get("/Search", authenticateToken, async (req, res) => {
let search = req.query.tearms;
// Create expression
var re = new RegExp(search, "i");
let find = {};
let find2 = {};
if (search != undefined && search != "") {
//This all are the fields that will used as match
find = {
$or: [
{ firstName: { $regex: re } },
{ lastName: { $regex: re } },
{ username: { $regex: re } },
let dataSearched = await accounts
.select("firstName lastName username profileImage")
var re = new RegExp(req.params.search, 'i');
app.User.find().or([{ 'firstName': { $regex: re }}, { 'lastName': { $regex: re }}]).sort('title', 1).exec(function(err, users) {