

multi key cookie js

It does not make sense to store multiple key-value pairs into one cookie, because by 
definition a cookie represents one key-value pair.
I believe you don't understand well how document.cookie works. 
It is not a standard JS string: when you set it, the cookie definition it contains 
is appended to the list of existing cookies. That is, you cannot set two cookies at 
the same time using this API.
You have two solutions:*/
document.cookie = "myCookie=myValue";
document.cookie = "myOtherCookie=myOtherValue";

//Store a single cookie with a custom serialization of your complex data, for example JSON:
document.cookie = "myCookie=" + JSON.stringify({foo: 'bar', baz: 'poo'});

Code Example
Javascript :: ready function jq 
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Javascript :: NodeJS router model 
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Javascript :: convert int to string javascript 
Javascript :: Different views for Desktop and mobile Angular 
Javascript :: vb net textbox regular expression 
Javascript :: javascript format time from number 
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Javascript :: pass ref to class component react 
Javascript :: angular form validation whitespace 
Javascript :: mongoose autoincrement 
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Javascript :: js NumberFormat 
Javascript :: node js error 
Javascript :: export default module 
Javascript :: datatables buttons do not appear localisation 
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Javascript :: convert boolean to string javascript 
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Javascript :: Play Audio Stream from Client 
Javascript :: reactjs npm take photo 
Javascript :: ethers.js get time 
Javascript :: get value from serialized json apex 
Javascript :: if element in dict javascript 
Source link
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