nested objects javascript
var backPack = {
color : 'black' ,
straps : 4 ,
isHeavy : true ,
wallet : {
cash : '$10,000' ,
creditCards : 6
tablet : {
brand : 'Apple iPad' ,
buttons : 1
} ;
nested object javascript
const myStorage = {
"car" : {
"inside" : {
"glove box" : "maps" ,
"passenger seat" : "crumbs"
} ,
"outside" : {
"trunk" : "jack"
} ;
const gloveBoxContents = myStorage. car . inside [ 'glove box' ] ;
accessing nested objects in javascript
const user = {
id : 101 ,
email : '' ,
personalInfo : {
name : 'Jack' ,
address : {
line1 : 'westwish st' ,
line2 : 'washmasher' ,
city : 'wallas' ,
state : 'WX'
const name = user. personalInfo . name ;
const userCity = user. personalInfo . address . city ;
JavaScript Nested Objects
const student = {
name : 'John' ,
age : 20 ,
marks : {
science : 70 ,
math : 75
console . log ( student. marks ) ;
console . log ( student. marks . science ) ;
javascript nested objects
Do my eyes decieve me, or is the second answer the same as the first, but
with more upvotes?
accessing nested objects in javascript
{ key : value, key : value, ... }
nested Object
const name = ( ( user || { } ) . personalInfo || { } ) . name ;
nested object in javascript
const employeeInfo = {
employeeName : "John Doe" ,
employeeId : 27 ,
salary : {
2018 - 19 : "400000INR" ,
2019 - 20 : "500000INR" ,
2020 - 21 : "650000INR"
} ,
address : {
locality : {
address1 : "1600 pebble road" ,
address2 : "Nearby XYZ Bank" ,
} ,
city : "Mumbai" ,
state : "Maharashtra" ,
country : "India"
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