

numbers Math

// rounds a number down to the nearest integer
Math.floor(9.99); // 9

// rounds a number up to the nearest integer
Math.ceil(9.01); // 10

// rounds a number to the nearest integer
Math.round(9.51); // 10

// returns the largest of the numbers passed through it
Math.max(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); // 5

// returns the smallest of the numbers passed through it
Math.min(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); // 1

// returns a random number between 0 inclusive and 1 non-inclusive
Math.random(); // 0.31764219954126016

numbers Math

parseFloat('98.6'); // 98.6
parseFloat('98.6 is the average normal temperature of the human body'); // 98.6

numbers Math

parseInt("100", 10); // 100
parseInt("100", 2); // 4 (100 in the binary system)

numbers Math

const eightAndAHalf = 8.5;

Number.isInteger(eightAndAHalf); // false
Number.isInteger(Math.floor(eightAndAHalf)); // true

Code Example
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Javascript :: javascript react store component as function 
Javascript :: form needs 2 clicks to submit react 
Javascript :: “javascript sleep 1 second” is a pretty common code problem that people search ;-) 
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Javascript :: binary conversion recursion in javascript 
Javascript :: react js exoirt examoek 
Javascript :: Get characters between two characters 
Javascript :: build an javascript URL and its search parameters 
Javascript :: react get query params from url 
Source link
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