

plus in javascript

The plus sign is an operator in JavaScript.
It is used to add numbers and concatenate
(join) strings.
console.log(1 + 1); // -> 2
console.log("Hello " + "world!"); // -> Hello world!
// Note: adding a string and a number will coerce the number into a string
console.log(1 + " world!"); // -> 1 world!
console.log("Hello " + 1); // -> Hello 1

plus operator javascript

// JavaScript Unary Operators The unary plus operator (+)
// The unary plus ( + ) precedes its operand and evaluates to its operand. It attempts to convert the operand to a number, if it isn't already.

+42           // 42
+"42"         // 42
+true         // 1
+false        // 0
+null         // 0
+undefined    // NaN
+NaN          // NaN
+"foo"        // NaN
+{}           // NaN
+function(){} // NaN

// Note that attempting to convert an array can result in unexpected return values.
// In the background, arrays are first converted to their string representations:

[].toString() === '';
[5].toString() === '5';
[1, 2].toString() === '1,2';

// The operator then attempts to convert those strings to numbers:

+[]           // 0   ( === +'' )
+[5]          // 5   ( === +'5' )
+[1, 2]       // NaN ( === +'1,2' )

Code Example
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Source link
1+5 =